Maciej Witucki is the President of the Polish Confederation Lewiatan -the leading Polish employers’ organization since June 2019. 2006 -2019 served as the vice-president of Lewiatan.
Graduated from the Poznan University of Technology. He specialized in logistics and decision-supporting systems. He held post-graduate studies in the field of industrial systems management in Ecole Central Paris (France).
He started his business career in Cetelem Bank (Paribas Group) –first in France, then in Poland. From October 2001 he was working in the capacity of the Member of the Management Board while from 2005 –as the President of the Management Board of Lukas Bank (Credit Agricole Group).
He joined Orange Group in 2006: in the years 2006 –2013, he was the President of the Management Board while on 19 September 2013 he assumed the position of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Orange Polska.
He is a member of the Supervisory Boards at Uniqa (AXA Polska S.A)., TISE S.A., Krynica VitaminS.A.Since 2010 he has been the President of the Polish and French Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCIFP). He is the Chairman of the Programme Board of the Polish Civic Forum, Member of the Board of Directors at Atlantic Council of the United States, Member of the Management Board of the Prof. Bronisław Geremek Centre Foundation.